use libpso::packet::ship::*; use libpso::packet::messages::*; use entity::gateway::EntityGateway; use entity::item::Meseta; use networking::serverstate::ClientId; use stats::leveltable::LEVEL_TABLE; use crate::{SendShipPacket, ShipError}; use client::{Clients, ItemDropLocation}; use ::room::Rooms; use location::{ClientLocation, ClientLocationError}; use items::ClientItemId; use pktbuilder as builder; use items::state::ItemState; use items::tasks::{drop_item, drop_partial_item, drop_meseta, equip_item, unequip_item, sort_inventory, use_item, feed_mag, sell_item, take_meseta, floor_item_limit_reached}; pub async fn request_exp(id: ClientId, request_exp: RequestExp, entity_gateway: &mut EG, client_location: &ClientLocation, clients: &Clients, rooms: &Rooms) -> Result, anyhow::Error> where EG: EntityGateway + Clone + 'static, { let area_client = client_location.get_local_client(id).await.map_err(|err| -> ClientLocationError { err.into() })?; let room_id = client_location.get_room(id).await.map_err(|err| -> ClientLocationError { err.into() })?; let enemy_id = request_exp.enemy_id as usize; let enemy_exp = rooms.with(room_id, |room| Box::pin(async move { let monster = room.maps.enemy_by_id(enemy_id)?; let monster_stats = room.monster_stats.get(&|| ShipError::UnknownMonster(; Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(monster_stats.exp) })).await??; let exp_gain = if request_exp.last_hitter == 1 { enemy_exp } else { ((enemy_exp as f32) * 0.8) as u32 }; let clients_in_area = client_location.get_clients_in_room(room_id).await.map_err(|err| -> ClientLocationError { err.into() })?; let gain_exp_pkt = builder::message::character_gained_exp(area_client, exp_gain); let mut exp_pkts: Vec<_> = clients_in_area.clone().into_iter() .map(move |c| { (c.client, SendShipPacket::Message(Message::new(GameMessage::GiveCharacterExp(gain_exp_pkt.clone())))) }) .collect(); let (char_class, exp) = clients.with(id, |client| Box::pin(async move { (client.character.char_class, client.character.exp) })).await?; let before_level = LEVEL_TABLE.get_level_from_exp(char_class, exp); let after_level = LEVEL_TABLE.get_level_from_exp(char_class, exp + exp_gain); let level_up = before_level != after_level; if level_up { let (_, before_stats) = LEVEL_TABLE.get_stats_from_exp(char_class, exp); let (after_level, after_stats) = LEVEL_TABLE.get_stats_from_exp(char_class, exp + exp_gain); let level_up_pkt = builder::message::character_leveled_up(area_client, after_level-1, before_stats, after_stats); exp_pkts.extend(clients_in_area.into_iter() .map(move |c| { (c.client, SendShipPacket::Message(Message::new(GameMessage::PlayerLevelUp(level_up_pkt.clone())))) })); } clients.with_mut(id, |client| { let mut entity_gateway = entity_gateway.clone(); Box::pin(async move { client.character.exp += exp_gain; entity_gateway.save_character(&client.character).await })}).await??; Ok(exp_pkts) } pub async fn player_drop_item(id: ClientId, player_drop_item: PlayerDropItem, entity_gateway: &mut EG, client_location: &ClientLocation, clients: &Clients, rooms: &Rooms, item_state: &mut ItemState) -> Result, anyhow::Error> where EG: EntityGateway + Clone + 'static, { let room_id = client_location.get_room(id).await.map_err(|err| -> ClientLocationError { err.into() })?; let map_area = rooms.with(room_id, |room| Box::pin(async move { room.map_areas.get_area_map(player_drop_item.map_area) })).await??; clients.with(id, |client| { let mut entity_gateway = entity_gateway.clone(); let mut item_state = item_state.clone(); Box::pin(async move { drop_item(&mut item_state, &mut entity_gateway, &client.character, &ClientItemId(player_drop_item.item_id), map_area, (player_drop_item.x, player_drop_item.y, player_drop_item.z)).await })}).await??; let clients_in_area = client_location.get_clients_in_room(room_id).await.map_err(|err| -> ClientLocationError { err.into() })?; let pdi = player_drop_item.clone(); Ok(clients_in_area.into_iter() .map(move |c| { (c.client, SendShipPacket::Message(Message::new(GameMessage::PlayerDropItem(pdi.clone())))) }) .collect()) } pub async fn drop_coordinates(id: ClientId, drop_coordinates: DropCoordinates, client_location: &ClientLocation, clients: &Clients, rooms: &Rooms) -> Result, anyhow::Error> { let room_id = client_location.get_room(id).await.map_err(|err| -> ClientLocationError { err.into() })?; let map_area = rooms.with(room_id, |room| Box::pin(async move { room.map_areas.get_area_map(drop_coordinates.map_area) })).await??; clients.with_mut(id, |client| Box::pin(async move { client.item_drop_location = Some(ItemDropLocation { map_area, x: drop_coordinates.x, z: drop_coordinates.z, item_id: ClientItemId(drop_coordinates.item_id), }); })).await?; Ok(Vec::new()) // TODO: do we need to send a packet here? } pub async fn no_longer_has_item(id: ClientId, no_longer_has_item: PlayerNoLongerHasItem, entity_gateway: &mut EG, client_location: &ClientLocation, clients: &Clients, item_state: &mut ItemState) -> Result, anyhow::Error> where EG: EntityGateway + Clone + 'static, { //let client = clients.get_mut(&id).ok_or(ShipError::ClientNotFound(id))?; let area_client = client_location.get_local_client(id).await.map_err(|err| -> ClientLocationError { err.into() })?; let room_id = client_location.get_room(id).await.map_err(|err| -> ClientLocationError { err.into() })?; let (drop_location, tek) = clients.with(id, |client| Box::pin(async move { (client.item_drop_location, client.tek) })).await?; if let Some(drop_location) = drop_location { if drop_location.item_id.0 != no_longer_has_item.item_id { return Err(ShipError::DropInvalidItemId(no_longer_has_item.item_id).into()); } if no_longer_has_item.item_id == 0xFFFFFFFF { let dropped_meseta = clients.with_mut(id, |client| { let mut entity_gateway = entity_gateway.clone(); let mut item_state = item_state.clone(); Box::pin(async move { client.item_drop_location = None; drop_meseta(&mut item_state, &mut entity_gateway, &client.character, drop_location.map_area, (drop_location.x, drop_location.z), no_longer_has_item.amount).await })}).await??; let dropped_meseta_pkt = builder::message::drop_split_meseta_stack(area_client, &dropped_meseta); let no_longer_has_meseta_pkt = builder::message::player_no_longer_has_meseta(area_client, no_longer_has_item.amount); let clients_in_area = client_location.get_clients_in_room(room_id).await.map_err(|err| -> ClientLocationError { err.into() })?; Ok(clients_in_area.into_iter() .flat_map(move |c| { std::iter::once((c.client, SendShipPacket::Message(Message::new(GameMessage::DropSplitStack(dropped_meseta_pkt.clone()))))) .chain( if c.client != id { Box::new(std::iter::once( (c.client, SendShipPacket::Message(Message::new(GameMessage::PlayerNoLongerHasItem(no_longer_has_meseta_pkt.clone())))) )) as Box + Send> } else { Box::new(std::iter::empty()) as Box + Send> } ) }) .collect() ) } else { let dropped_item = clients.with_mut(id, |client| { let mut entity_gateway = entity_gateway.clone(); let mut item_state = item_state.clone(); Box::pin(async move { client.item_drop_location = None; drop_partial_item(&mut item_state, &mut entity_gateway, &client.character, &drop_location.item_id, drop_location.map_area, (drop_location.x, drop_location.z), no_longer_has_item.amount) .await })}).await??; let dropped_item_pkt = builder::message::drop_split_stack(area_client, &dropped_item); let clients_in_area = client_location.get_clients_in_room(room_id).await.map_err(|err| -> ClientLocationError { err.into() })?; Ok(clients_in_area.into_iter() .map(move |c| { (c.client, SendShipPacket::Message(Message::new(GameMessage::DropSplitStack(dropped_item_pkt.clone())))) }) .collect()) } } else if let Some(_tek) = tek { let neighbors = client_location.get_client_neighbors(id).await.map_err(|err| -> ClientLocationError { err.into() })?; let no_longer_has_item = no_longer_has_item.clone(); Ok(neighbors.into_iter() .map(move |c| { (c.client, SendShipPacket::Message(Message::new(GameMessage::PlayerNoLongerHasItem(no_longer_has_item.clone())))) }) .collect()) } else { Err(ShipError::InvalidItem(ClientItemId(no_longer_has_item.item_id)).into()) } } pub async fn update_player_position(id: ClientId, message: Message, clients: &Clients, client_location: &ClientLocation, rooms: &Rooms) -> Result, anyhow::Error> { if let Ok(room_id) = client_location.get_room(id).await.map_err(|err| -> ClientLocationError { err.into() }) { let msg = message.msg.clone(); clients.with_mut(id, |client| { let rooms = rooms.clone(); Box::pin(async move { match msg { GameMessage::PlayerChangedMap(p) => { client.x = p.x; client.y = p.y; client.z = p.z; }, GameMessage::PlayerChangedMap2(p) => { client.area = rooms.with(room_id, |room| Box::pin(async move { room.map_areas.get_area_map(p.map_area).ok() })).await?; }, GameMessage::TellOtherPlayerMyLocation(p) => { client.x = p.x; client.y = p.y; client.z = p.z; client.area = rooms.with(room_id, |room| Box::pin(async move { room.map_areas.get_area_map(p.map_area).ok() })).await?; }, GameMessage::PlayerWarpingToFloor(p) => { client.area = rooms.with(room_id, |room| Box::pin(async move { room.map_areas.get_area_map(p.area as u16).ok() })).await?; }, GameMessage::PlayerTeleported(p) => { client.x = p.x; client.y = p.y; client.z = p.z; }, GameMessage::PlayerStopped(p) => { client.x = p.x; client.y = p.y; client.z = p.z; }, GameMessage::PlayerLoadedIn(p) => { client.x = p.x; client.y = p.y; client.z = p.z; }, GameMessage::PlayerWalking(p) => { client.x = p.x; client.z = p.z; }, GameMessage::PlayerRunning(p) => { client.x = p.x; client.z = p.z; }, GameMessage::PlayerWarped(p) => { client.x = p.x; client.y = p.y; }, // GameMessage::PlayerChangedFloor(p) => {client.area = MapArea::from_value(&room.mode.episode(),;}, GameMessage::InitializeSpeechNpc(p) => { client.x = p.x; client.z = p.z; } _ => {}, } Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(()) })}).await??; } Ok(client_location.get_client_neighbors(id).await?.into_iter() .map(move |client| { (client.client, SendShipPacket::Message(message.clone())) }) .collect()) } pub async fn charge_attack(id: ClientId, charge: ChargeAttack, entity_gateway: &mut EG, client_location: &ClientLocation, clients: &Clients, item_state: &mut ItemState) -> Result, anyhow::Error> where EG: EntityGateway + Clone + 'static, { let meseta = charge.meseta; clients.with(id, |client| { let mut entity_gateway = entity_gateway.clone(); let mut item_state = item_state.clone(); Box::pin(async move { // TODO: should probably validate this to be a legit number, I'd just hardcode 200 but vjaya take_meseta(&mut item_state, &mut entity_gateway, &, Meseta(meseta)).await })}).await??; Ok(client_location.get_client_neighbors(id).await.unwrap().into_iter() .map(move |client| { (client.client, SendShipPacket::Message(Message::new(GameMessage::ChargeAttack(charge.clone())))) }) .collect()) } pub async fn player_uses_item(id: ClientId, player_use_tool: PlayerUseItem, entity_gateway: &mut EG, client_location: &ClientLocation, clients: &Clients, item_state: &mut ItemState) -> Result, anyhow::Error> where EG: EntityGateway + Clone + 'static, { let neighbors = client_location.get_all_clients_by_client(id).await?.into_iter(); let area_client = client_location.get_local_client(id).await?; Ok(clients.with_mut(id, |client| { let mut entity_gateway = entity_gateway.clone(); let mut item_state = item_state.clone(); Box::pin(async move { use_item(&mut item_state, &mut entity_gateway, &mut client.character, area_client, &ClientItemId(player_use_tool.item_id), 1).await })}).await?? .into_iter() .flat_map(move |pkt| { let pkt = match pkt { items::actions::CreateItem::Individual(area_client, item_id, item_detail) => { builder::message::create_individual_item(area_client, item_id, &item_detail) }, items::actions::CreateItem::Stacked(area_client, item_id, tool, amount) => { builder::message::create_stacked_item(area_client, item_id, &tool, amount) } }; let pkt = SendShipPacket::Message(Message::new(GameMessage::CreateItem(pkt))); let player_use_tool = player_use_tool.clone(); neighbors.clone().map(move |client| { vec![(client.client, SendShipPacket::Message(Message::new(GameMessage::PlayerUseItem(player_use_tool.clone())))), (client.client, pkt.clone())] }) }) .flatten() .collect::>() ) } pub async fn player_used_medical_center(id: ClientId, pumc: PlayerUsedMedicalCenter, entity_gateway: &mut EG, client_location: &ClientLocation, clients: &Clients, item_state: &mut ItemState) -> Result, anyhow::Error> where EG: EntityGateway + Clone + 'static, { clients.with(id, |client| { let mut entity_gateway = entity_gateway.clone(); let mut item_state = item_state.clone(); Box::pin(async move { take_meseta(&mut item_state, &mut entity_gateway, &, Meseta(10)).await })}).await??; let pumc = pumc.clone(); Ok(client_location.get_client_neighbors(id).await.unwrap().into_iter() .map(move |client| { (client.client, SendShipPacket::Message(Message::new(GameMessage::PlayerUsedMedicalCenter(pumc.clone())))) }) .collect()) } pub async fn player_feed_mag(id: ClientId, mag_feed: PlayerFeedMag, entity_gateway: &mut EG, client_location: &ClientLocation, clients: &Clients, item_state: &mut ItemState) -> Result, anyhow::Error> where EG: EntityGateway + Clone + 'static, { let cmag_feed = mag_feed.clone(); clients.with(id, |client| { let mut entity_gateway = entity_gateway.clone(); let mut item_state = item_state.clone(); Box::pin(async move { feed_mag(&mut item_state, &mut entity_gateway, &client.character, &ClientItemId(cmag_feed.mag_id), &ClientItemId(cmag_feed.item_id)).await })}).await??; Ok(client_location.get_client_neighbors(id).await.unwrap().into_iter() .map(move |client| { (client.client, SendShipPacket::Message(Message::new(GameMessage::PlayerFeedMag(mag_feed.clone())))) }) .collect()) } pub async fn player_equips_item(id: ClientId, pkt: PlayerEquipItem, entity_gateway: &mut EG, clients: &Clients, item_state: &mut ItemState) -> Result, anyhow::Error> where EG: EntityGateway + Clone + 'static, { let equip_slot = if pkt.sub_menu > 0 { ((pkt.sub_menu & 0x7) - 1) % 4 } else { 0 }; clients.with(id, |client| { let mut entity_gateway = entity_gateway.clone(); let mut item_state = item_state.clone(); Box::pin(async move { equip_item(&mut item_state, &mut entity_gateway, &client.character, &ClientItemId(pkt.item_id), equip_slot).await })}).await??; Ok(Vec::new()) // TODO: tell other players you equipped an item } pub async fn player_unequips_item(id: ClientId, pkt: PlayerUnequipItem, entity_gateway: &mut EG, clients: &Clients, item_state: &mut ItemState) -> Result, anyhow::Error> where EG: EntityGateway + Clone + 'static, { clients.with(id, |client| { let mut entity_gateway = entity_gateway.clone(); let mut item_state = item_state.clone(); Box::pin(async move { unequip_item(&mut item_state, &mut entity_gateway, &client.character, &ClientItemId(pkt.item_id)).await })}).await??; Ok(Vec::new()) // TODO: tell other players if you unequip an item } pub async fn player_sorts_items(id: ClientId, pkt: SortItems, entity_gateway: &mut EG, clients: &Clients, item_state: &mut ItemState) -> Result, anyhow::Error> where EG: EntityGateway + Clone + 'static, { let item_ids = pkt.item_ids .iter() .filter_map(|item_id| { if *item_id != 0 { Some(ClientItemId(*item_id)) } else { None } }) .collect(); clients.with(id, |client| { let mut entity_gateway = entity_gateway.clone(); let mut item_state = item_state.clone(); Box::pin(async move { sort_inventory(&mut item_state, &mut entity_gateway, &client.character, item_ids).await })}).await??; Ok(Vec::new()) // TODO: clients probably care about each others item orders } pub async fn player_sells_item (id: ClientId, sold_item: PlayerSoldItem, entity_gateway: &mut EG, clients: &Clients, item_state: &mut ItemState) -> Result, anyhow::Error> where EG: EntityGateway + Clone + 'static, { clients.with(id, |client| { let mut entity_gateway = entity_gateway.clone(); let mut item_state = item_state.clone(); Box::pin(async move { sell_item(&mut item_state, &mut entity_gateway, &client.character, ClientItemId(sold_item.item_id), sold_item.amount as u32).await })}).await??; Ok(Vec::new()) // TODO: send the packet to other clients } pub async fn floor_item_limit_deletion (id: ClientId, floor_item_limit_delete: FloorItemLimitItemDeletion, entity_gateway: &mut EG, client_location: &ClientLocation, clients: &Clients, rooms: &Rooms, item_state: &mut ItemState) -> Result, anyhow::Error> where EG: EntityGateway + Clone + 'static, { let room_id = client_location.get_room(id).await.map_err(|err| -> ClientLocationError { err.into() })?; let map_area = rooms.with(room_id, |room| Box::pin(async move { room.map_areas.get_area_map(floor_item_limit_delete.map_area) })).await??; clients.with(id, |client| { let mut entity_gateway = entity_gateway.clone(); let item_state = item_state.clone(); Box::pin(async move { floor_item_limit_reached(&item_state, &mut entity_gateway, &client.character, &ClientItemId(floor_item_limit_delete.item_id), map_area).await })}).await??; Ok(Vec::new()) }