5 years ago
11 changed files with 714 additions and 99 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ |
use crate::ship::quests::{Quest, QuestList};
use libpso::packet::ship::*;
use libpso::utf8_to_utf16_array;
pub fn quest_category_list(quests: &QuestList) -> QuestCategoryList {
let categories = quests.iter()
.map(|(i, (category, _))| {
QuestCategory {
option_id: i as u32,
name: utf8_to_utf16_array!(category.name, 32),
description: utf8_to_utf16_array!(category.description, 122),
QuestCategoryList {
quest_categories: categories,
pub fn quest_list(category_id: u32, quests: &Vec<Quest>) -> QuestOptionList {
let quest_entries = quests.iter()
.map(|quest| {
QuestEntry {
category_id: category_id as u16,
quest_id: quest.id,
name: utf8_to_utf16_array!(quest.name, 32),
description: utf8_to_utf16_array!(quest.description, 122),
QuestOptionList {
quests: quest_entries,
pub fn quest_detail(quest: &Quest) -> QuestDetail {
QuestDetail {
description: utf8_to_utf16_array!(quest.full_description, 288),
@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ |
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::io::{Cursor, Read, Seek, SeekFrom};
use libpso::packet::ship::*;
use crate::common::serverstate::ClientId;
use crate::ship::ship::{SendShipPacket, ShipError, Clients, Rooms};
use crate::ship::quests::QuestList;
use crate::ship::location::{ClientLocation, ClientLocationError};
use crate::ship::packet::builder::quest;
use libpso::utf8_to_array;
use libpso::util::array_to_utf8;
// TOOD: enum
const DATATYPE_BIN: u16 = 1;
const DATATYPE_DAT: u16 = 2;
fn parse_filename(filename_bytes: &[u8; 16]) -> Result<(u16, u16, u16), ShipError> {
let filename = array_to_utf8(*filename_bytes).map_err(|_| ShipError::InvalidQuestFilename("NOT UTF8".to_string()))?;
let (filename, suffix) = {
let mut s = filename.splitn(2, '.');
let datatype = match suffix {
"bin" => DATATYPE_BIN,
"dat" => DATATYPE_DAT,
_ => return Err(ShipError::InvalidQuestFilename(filename.to_owned()))
let (category, quest) = {
let mut s = filename.splitn(2, '-');
(s.next().and_then(|k| k.parse().ok()).ok_or(ShipError::InvalidQuestFilename(filename.to_owned()))?,
s.next().and_then(|k| k.parse().ok()).ok_or(ShipError::InvalidQuestFilename(filename.to_owned()))?)
Ok((category, quest, datatype))
pub fn send_quest_category_list(id: ClientId, quests: &QuestList) -> Result<Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (ClientId, SendShipPacket)> + Send>, ShipError> {
let qcl = quest::quest_category_list(quests);
Ok(Box::new(vec![(id, SendShipPacket::QuestCategoryList(qcl))].into_iter()))
pub fn select_quest_category(id: ClientId, menuselect: &MenuSelect, quests: &QuestList) -> Result<Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (ClientId, SendShipPacket)> + Send>, ShipError> {
let (_, category_quests) = quests.iter()
.nth(menuselect.item as usize)
let ql = quest::quest_list(menuselect.item, category_quests);
Ok(Box::new(vec![(id, SendShipPacket::QuestOptionList(ql))].into_iter()))
pub fn quest_detail(id: ClientId, questdetailrequest: &QuestDetailRequest, quests: &QuestList) -> Result<Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (ClientId, SendShipPacket)> + Send>, ShipError> {
let (_, category_quests) = quests.iter()
.nth(questdetailrequest.category as usize)
.ok_or(ShipError::InvalidQuestCategory(questdetailrequest.category as u32))?;
let quest = category_quests.iter()
.find(|q| {
q.id == questdetailrequest.quest as u16
}).ok_or(ShipError::InvalidQuest(questdetailrequest.quest as u32))?;
let qd = quest::quest_detail(&quest);
Ok(Box::new(vec![(id, SendShipPacket::QuestDetail(qd))].into_iter()))
pub fn load_quest(id: ClientId, questmenuselect: &QuestMenuSelect, quests: &QuestList, clients: &mut Clients, client_location: &ClientLocation, rooms: &mut Rooms)
-> Result<Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (ClientId, SendShipPacket)> + Send>, ShipError> {
let (_, category_quests) = quests.iter()
.nth(questmenuselect.category as usize)
.ok_or(ShipError::InvalidQuestCategory(questmenuselect.category as u32))?;
let quest = category_quests.iter()
.find(|q| {
q.id == questmenuselect.quest as u16
}).ok_or(ShipError::InvalidQuest(questmenuselect.quest as u32))?;
let room_id = client_location.get_room(id).map_err(|err| -> ClientLocationError { err.into() })?;
let room = rooms.get_mut(room_id.0)
.ok_or_else(|| ShipError::InvalidRoom(room_id.0 as u32))?.as_mut()
.ok_or_else(|| ShipError::InvalidRoom(room_id.0 as u32))?;
room.maps.set_quest_data(quest.enemies.clone(), quest.objects.clone());
let bin_path = format!("{}-{}.bin", questmenuselect.category, questmenuselect.quest);
let bin = QuestHeader {
unknown1: [0; 0x24],
filename: utf8_to_array!(bin_path, 16),
length: quest.bin_blob.len() as u32,
name: utf8_to_array!("quest.bin", 16),
unknown2: [0; 8],
let dat_path = format!("{}-{}.dat", questmenuselect.category, questmenuselect.quest);
let dat = QuestHeader {
unknown1: [0; 0x24],
filename: utf8_to_array!(dat_path, 16),
length: quest.dat_blob.len() as u32,
name: utf8_to_array!("quest.dat", 16),
unknown2: [0; 8],
let area_clients = client_location.get_all_clients_by_client(id).map_err(|err| -> ClientLocationError { err.into() })?;
area_clients.iter().for_each(|c| {
clients.get_mut(&c.client).map(|client| {
client.done_loading_quest = false;
Ok(Box::new(area_clients.into_iter().map(move |c| {
vec![(c.client, SendShipPacket::QuestHeader(bin.clone())), (c.client, SendShipPacket::QuestHeader(dat.clone()))]
//Ok(Box::new(vec![(id, SendShipPacket::QuestHeader(bin)), (id, SendShipPacket::QuestHeader(dat))].into_iter()))
pub fn quest_file_request(id: ClientId, quest_file_request: &QuestFileRequest, quests: &QuestList) -> Result<Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (ClientId, SendShipPacket)> + Send>, ShipError> {
let (category_id, quest_id, datatype) = parse_filename(&quest_file_request.filename)?;
let (_, category_quests) = quests.iter()
.nth(category_id as usize)
.ok_or(ShipError::InvalidQuestCategory(category_id as u32))?;
let quest = category_quests.iter()
.find(|q| {
q.id == quest_id as u16
}).ok_or(ShipError::InvalidQuest(quest_id as u32))?;
// quest.Bin quest.Dat
let blob = match datatype {
DATATYPE_BIN => &quest.bin_blob,
DATATYPE_DAT => &quest.dat_blob,
_ => panic!()
let mut blob_cursor = Cursor::new(blob);
let mut subblob = [0u8; 0x400];
let blob_length = blob_cursor.read(&mut subblob)?;
let qc = QuestChunk {
chunk_num: 0,
filename: quest_file_request.filename,
blob: subblob,
blob_length: blob_length as u32,
unknown: 0,
Ok(Box::new(vec![(id, SendShipPacket::QuestChunk(qc))].into_iter()))
pub fn quest_chunk_ack(id: ClientId, quest_chunk_ack: &QuestChunkAck, quests: &QuestList) -> Result<Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (ClientId, SendShipPacket)> + Send>, ShipError> {
let (category_id, quest_id, datatype) = parse_filename(&quest_chunk_ack.filename)?;
let (_, category_quests) = quests.iter()
.nth(category_id as usize)
.ok_or(ShipError::InvalidQuestCategory(category_id as u32))?;
let quest = category_quests.iter()
.find(|q| {
q.id == quest_id
}).ok_or(ShipError::InvalidQuest(quest_id as u32))?;
let blob = match datatype {
DATATYPE_BIN => &quest.bin_blob,
DATATYPE_DAT => &quest.dat_blob,
_ => panic!()
let mut blob_cursor = Cursor::new(blob);
blob_cursor.seek(SeekFrom::Start((quest_chunk_ack.chunk_num as u64 + 1) * 0x400));
let mut subblob = [0u8; 0x400];
let blob_length = blob_cursor.read(&mut subblob)?;
if blob_length == 0 {
return Ok(Box::new(None.into_iter()));
let qc = QuestChunk {
chunk_num: quest_chunk_ack.chunk_num + 1,
filename: quest_chunk_ack.filename,
blob: subblob,
blob_length: blob_length as u32,
unknown: 0,
Ok(Box::new(vec![(id, SendShipPacket::QuestChunk(qc))].into_iter()))
pub fn done_loading_quest(id: ClientId, quests: &QuestList, clients: &mut Clients, client_location: &ClientLocation)
-> Result<Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (ClientId, SendShipPacket)> + Send>, ShipError> {
let client = clients.get_mut(&id).ok_or(ShipError::ClientNotFound(id))?;
client.done_loading_quest = true;
let area_clients = client_location.get_all_clients_by_client(id).map_err(|err| -> ClientLocationError { err.into() })?;
let all_loaded = area_clients.iter().all(|c| {
.map(|client| {
if all_loaded {
Ok(Box::new(area_clients.into_iter().map(|c| {
(c.client, SendShipPacket::DoneLoadingQuest(DoneLoadingQuest {}))
else {
@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ |
use log::warn;
use std::collections::{HashMap, BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Read, Write, Cursor, Seek, SeekFrom};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::convert::{TryInto, TryFrom};
use thiserror::Error;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use ages_prs::{LegacyPrsDecoder, LegacyPrsEncoder};
use byteorder::{LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt};
use libpso::packet::ship::QuestChunk;
use libpso::util::array_to_utf16;
use crate::ship::map::{MapArea, MapAreaError, MapObject, MapEnemy, enemy_data_from_stream, objects_from_stream};
use crate::ship::room::Episode;
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct QuestCategory {
index: usize,
pub name: String,
pub description: String,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Hash)]
struct QuestListEntry {
bin: String,
dat: String,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Hash)]
struct QuestListCategory {
list_order: usize,
description: String,
quests: Vec<QuestListEntry>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct QuestListConfig {
questlist: HashMap<String, Vec<QuestListEntry>>,
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
enum ParseDatError {
IoError(#[from] std::io::Error),
MapError(#[from] MapAreaError),
const DAT_OBJECT_HEADER_ID: u32 = 1;
const DAT_ENEMY_HEADER_ID: u32 = 2;
const DAT_WAVE_HEADER_ID: u32 = 3;
enum DatBlock {
fn read_dat_section_header<T: Read + Seek>(cursor: &mut T, episode: &Episode) -> Result<DatBlock, ParseDatError> {
let header = cursor.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
let offset = cursor.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
let area = cursor.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
let length = cursor.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
let map_area = MapArea::from_value(episode, area)?;
match header {
let mut obj_data = vec![0u8; length as usize];
cursor.read(&mut obj_data);
let mut obj_cursor = Cursor::new(obj_data);
let objects = objects_from_stream(&mut obj_cursor, episode, &map_area);
let mut enemy_data = vec![0u8; length as usize];
cursor.read(&mut enemy_data);
let mut enemy_cursor = Cursor::new(enemy_data);
let enemies = enemy_data_from_stream(&mut enemy_cursor, &map_area, episode);
cursor.seek(SeekFrom::Current(length as i64));
_ => Err(ParseDatError::UnknownDatHeader(header))
fn quest_episode(bin: &[u8]) -> Option<Episode> {
for bytes in bin.windows(3) {
if bytes[0] == 0xF8 && bytes[1] == 0xBC {
warn!("ep? {:?}", bytes[2]);
return Some(Episode::from_quest(bytes[2]).ok()?)
fn parse_dat(dat: &[u8], episode: &Episode) -> Result<(Vec<Option<MapEnemy>>, Vec<Option<MapObject>>), ParseDatError> {
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(dat);
let header_iter = std::iter::from_fn(move || {
match read_dat_section_header(&mut cursor, episode) {
Ok(dat_block) => Some(dat_block),
Err(err) => {
warn!("unknown header in dat: {:?}", err);
Ok(header_iter.fold((Vec::new(), Vec::new()), |(mut enemies, mut objects), dat_block| {
match dat_block {
DatBlock::Object(mut objs) => {
objects.append(&mut objs)
DatBlock::Enemy(mut enemy) => {
enemies.append(&mut enemy)
_ => {}
(enemies, objects)
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
enum QuestLoadError {
ParseDatError(#[from] ParseDatError),
pub struct Quest {
pub name: String,
pub description: String,
pub full_description: String,
pub language: u16,
pub id: u16,
pub bin_blob: Vec<u8>,
pub dat_blob: Vec<u8>,
pub enemies: Vec<Option<MapEnemy>>,
pub objects: Vec<Option<MapObject>>,
impl Quest {
fn from_bin_dat(bin: Vec<u8>, dat: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Quest, QuestLoadError> {
let id = u16::from_le_bytes(bin[16..18].try_into().unwrap());
let language = u16::from_le_bytes(bin[18..20].try_into().unwrap());
let name = array_to_utf16(&bin[24..88]);
let description = array_to_utf16(&bin[88..334]);
let full_description = array_to_utf16(&bin[334..920]);
let episode = quest_episode(&bin).ok_or(ParseDatError::CouldNotDetermineEpisode)?;
let (enemies, objects) = parse_dat(&dat, &episode)?;
let mut prs_bin = LegacyPrsEncoder::new(Vec::new());
let mut prs_dat = LegacyPrsEncoder::new(Vec::new());
Ok(Quest {
name: name,
description: description,
full_description: full_description,
id: id,
language: language,
bin_blob: prs_bin.into_inner().unwrap(),
dat_blob: prs_dat.into_inner().unwrap(),
enemies: enemies,
objects: objects,
// QuestCollection
pub type QuestList = BTreeMap<QuestCategory, Vec<Quest>>;
pub fn load_quests(quest_path: PathBuf) -> QuestList {
let mut f = File::open(quest_path).unwrap();
let mut s = String::new();
f.read_to_string(&mut s);
let mut used_quest_ids = BTreeSet::new();
let ql: BTreeMap<String, QuestListCategory> = toml::from_str(s.as_str()).unwrap();
ql.into_iter().map(|(category, category_details)| {
let quests = category_details.quests
.filter_map(|quest| {
warn!("{:?}", quest.bin);
let dat_file = File::open(format!("data/quests/{}", quest.dat)).unwrap();
let bin_file = File::open(format!("data/quests/{}", quest.bin)).unwrap();
let mut dat_prs = LegacyPrsDecoder::new(dat_file);
let mut bin_prs = LegacyPrsDecoder::new(bin_file);
let mut dat = Vec::new();
let mut bin = Vec::new();
dat_prs.read_to_end(&mut dat).unwrap();
bin_prs.read_to_end(&mut bin).unwrap();
let quest = Quest::from_bin_dat(bin, dat).unwrap();
if used_quest_ids.contains(&quest.id) {
return None;
index: category_details.list_order,
name: category,
description: category_details.description,
}, quests.collect())
Reference in new issue