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use elseware::common::serverstate::{ClientId, ServerState};
use elseware::entity::gateway::{EntityGateway, InMemoryGateway};
use elseware::ship::ship::{ShipServerState, RecvShipPacket};
use libpso::packet::ship::*;
#[path = ""]
mod common;
use common::*;
async fn test_save_options<EG: EntityGateway>(ship: &mut ShipServerState<EG>, id: ClientId, options: u32) {
let mut entity_gateway = InMemoryGateway::new();
let (user1, _char1) = new_user_character(&mut entity_gateway, "a1", "a").await;
let mut ship = ShipServerState::builder()
log_in_char(&mut ship, ClientId(1), "a1", "a").await;
join_lobby(&mut ship, ClientId(1)).await;
ship.handle(ClientId(1), &RecvShipPacket::SaveOptions(SaveOptions{
options: 12345,
let characters = entity_gateway.get_characters_by_user(&user1).await;
let char = characters[0].as_ref().unwrap();
assert!(char.option_flags == 12345);